Why flirting?
W hen I started my career as a Flirtcoach fifteen years ago, many people thought I was crazy! Giving Flirtworkshops had no chance; they told me. And now, 15 years later, Flirting really makes a difference. Flirting your way in business and life, makes your life more worthwhile and your development goes much faster. The vision behind the Flirtingconcept has not changed in these 15 years. To me, Flirting is about making a profound heart connection with another person. This goes beyond fear, ego and conditioned behaviour, and is many times more powerful than a connection made by head done, the contact at the cognitive level. Children from the age of 4-7 years know exactly how to flirt!! They perfectly know how to make heartconnections. As adults we have forgotten we were that age too…..long, long time ago! And therefore we are connecting with each other in a very complicated or wrapped way. We have really have to un-wrap ourselves! We have to start flirting again.
W ith our flirting workshops and training programs we train at the level of unconscious human behaviour. Where ego, fear and conditioned behaviour are rooted and where stimuli on a cognitive level will never be the change. Flirting helps to bring you head (mind) in contact with your heart.
W ith Flirting workshops and trainings, we achieve that people allow themselves and others to flourish without wanting to be in the centre of everything. They make other people grow and grow themselves at the same time.
Angelique at TEDx

W ith Angelique van ‘t Riet it is always about making ‘heartconnections’. Immersing yourself in this type of interaction helps to transcend fear, ego, and conditioned behavior. As such, it is much more powerful than the cognitively rationalized interaction style we are so accustomed to in modern everyday life. Fifteen years ago she discovered that flirting, a practice that springs from heartconnections, makes life more worthwhile and business develop faster. The problem is many adults have forgotten how to flirt and engage with each other through the heart. Warm connections are hardly attained, making it nearly impossible to fully tap from the potential of ourselves and our network. During her talk Angelique helps you unwrap and learn to flirt again. This unwrapping process will have a liberating effect; it will make life ‘lighter’ and will allow you to connect with others more easily resulting in more meaningful relationships, happier colleagues and better and sustainable business(es).